Continually EMPOWER and Release Disciples to Make Disciples
Jesus didn’t want disciples to simply follow Him as spectators but rather He was intent on empowering them to do what He had been doing.
He even said that they would do greater works after He had gone back to the Father!
“When Jesus had called the twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick” Luke 9:1-2
We want to simply and practically enable an ‘empowering culture’ where everyone is equipped and released to do ministry and make disciples.
Jesus calls all of us to an incredible mission, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” Mark 16:15 and “Make disciples of all nations…” Matt 28:19
He then sets us up to succeed by sending us the Wonderful Holy Spirit who not only fills us but also clothes us and equips us to fulfil this mission!
This is why we are committed to empowering and releasing everyone who is a follower of Jesus to go and do just that.
NOW is the time to go and make disciples!
Practical Ideas:
Intentionally plan organised outreaches:
Take your group outdoors - use the opportunity to share Jesus in the park or to gather at a cafe and then practice using tools like your Hope Story or your 15 second testimony or asking Holy Spirit for a prophetic word or word of knowledge for someone there.
Give out Hope Cards while you are out.
Practising in a group helps remind everyone that we are on mission together but also builds confidence.
Regularly share testimonies:
Set the standard that there is an expectation that everyone is called to minister and make disciples.