"Go therefore into all nations making disciples."
We have quite a few different ways we reach into our local, national and international communities with the gospel
We truly believe we are called to live on mission, each one of us, reaching out to share Jesus with those around us, including our neighbours, family, friends and shopkeepers. We are passionate about sharing Jesus with everyone we meet.
Some of the ways we reach out with planned outreaches include:
Prayer Walks
Once a month we take a team out to the streets of Dandenong and look for people to talk to and offer to pray for. We would love you to join us in stepping out together to share the love of Jesus. Check out our what's on Calendar for dates.
Walk for Freedom
We have been a part of hosting a local Walk for Freedom event on behalf of A21 - a global group that aims to raise awareness, of and combat, Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery around the world.
Trans-local Trips
We partner with a trans-local team passionate about the Biblical model for local church. We often have teams going to churches within Victoria and other parts of Australia to encourage the people in the churches and to offer support where needed. As part of this partnership we have connections in many nations all over the world. If you are feeling stirred to go somewhere let us know and we can put you in contact with people there.
Missions Trips
We have been privileged to send many teams at various times into multiple nations to bless churches and communities in need. We have had teams go into Thailand, Mongolia, Indonesia, Cambodia, India and parts of Africa as well as the USA and Canada.